One cannot generalize, of course, but there are some “Golden oldies” who greatly dislike and even fear this age of technology. Here is an example.
Last night at a special dinner, I soon realized that at my table of eight, I was the youngest by quite some years. Everyone introduced themselves and slowly the conversation began to flow. It was soon found that four of the eight had attended the same school! There was great excitement at that and much reminiscing. “Do you remember so and so?” etc.,
Gradually the conversation swung round to the internet, because the school had a website and an “Old Girl’s section”. Two of the ladies admitted to not owning or having access to a computer. One of the other ladies declared that she simply hated all the “new” gadgets and went on to tell how her husband had given her a “Magimix” when they first became available, many years ago.
She had pretended to be delighted and very grateful but said that she would keep it for “PASSOVER”.
That first year, Passover came and went and the machine remained in its box. After all, she said, she was a very good cook, but she preferred to do things the way her mother had taught her.
Some thirty years later, that machine is still in its box, unused and in pristine condition. “And as for cell phones”, she remarked, “What use do I have for them? My telephone at home suits me fine. If I am in the bank, its banking I want to do, and likewise for the Post Office. A cell phone would just be a nuisance at Bridge games, and an invasion in the Supermarket. One doesn’t want one in the Cinema either. I don’t drive any more,” she added, “So I really don’t need one”.
And I must say that we all had to agree!
Some of the over sixties both male and female, have taken to each advance in the technological field with excitement and have studied the manuals, (grand children are a great help here ) and are quite at home with cell phones, remote controls for their television sets, calculators and of course, emails and the internet. But there are some, if they would only admit it, who live just as happily, without any of it!
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