Sunday, 22 January 2012

The Joy of Books

Do you enjoy books? If so, you have come to the right blog.

We love books. Real books made of paper and bound -  pages to turn and feel and enjoy.

Get a taste of the joy of books with this fun video clip.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Progress, Progress - New Book to be Released

Post prepared by Zanado
Isn't the image above fascinating? It reminds me very much of the process of creating a book. Ideas flow, pages fill with ideas, thoughts, concepts. Step by step, word by word, sentence and chapter accumulate and gather and then, before you know it, the book is ... a book.

Well, the PROOF copy of R.A. Kahn's latest book has arrived. It has been read again from cover to cover. How exciting. The book is just as gripping and thought provoking reading it to proof for about the 8th time as it was when read the first time as just a manuscript.

Now the proof copy has been read. The book is about to come out onto the shelves.

Stay tuned. Watch this space. THIS one.

We look forward to announcing the book is on the shelves of bookstores.



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