Monday, 18 May 2015

New Review on Amazon and Goodreads

It is so special when someone agrees that our author R.A. Kahn is a very talented author. 

I submitted the book "Relationships" to someone who does book reviews and just received an email. She has kindly put a review onto both Amazon and Goodreads. In the email she ended off:
"I hope your mother continues to write, she certainly has an amazing gift for it." I hope so too, she certainly does have an amazing gift for writing and hence is my favourite author.

So without further ado, here is her new review for the book "Relationships":

 " This book was so well written.  I was so impressed by the author's ability to give it such an authentic teenage voice.  Teens nowadays are exposed to so much sex and violence, this is refreshing option which still deals with real issues but allows them to see there are responsible teenagers and close supportive families do actually still exist.  While reading I often thought, "I wish I had a good head on my shoulders like Bella did when I was her age."  Griff was an amazing counter to her character also.  That's the kind of guy young girls should be surrounding themselves with.  All the twists and turns in this book felt very authentic and believable.  It felt effortless to just sink into this story.   I would recommend this book to all teenagers and anyone else looking for an energizing perspective on relationships."

Take a look on and you will find it along with two other reviews.

Let your friends know. If you prefer a site that does not charge shipping, the book is also available on Book Depository.  

Friday, 8 May 2015

The Word is Getting Out

Very excited to discover that both "Grandma's Hat" and "Relationships" are on

Have you read any of the books written by Rosemary Kahn / R.A. Kahn? If you have, please write a review either on Amazon or on
Or post a comment at the bottom of this post.

Very much looking forward to seeing more of her books in print.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Reading Matters - Part 5 of the BBC Series

We have been sharing the BBC series on Reading Matters. In this next part of the 6 part series, we learn a little about the MEG (electroencephalography) and how it is possible to determine the parts of the brain involved in hearing or reading words.

It is quite fascinating as to how the brain responds to reading almost as though one heard the word or experienced the action. Thanks to modern technology we can understand how it is that a reader can enter into the actions and life of the book.

Reading therefore is tremendously powerful and can be used as part of therapy.


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